Wow, I’m back?

Published March 11, 2010 by blissfulvengeance

Well, it’s been forever since I’ve blogged. Actually, it was like September 2008. In that time, I got a job and was there from April of 2008 to November of 2009, which was a little over a year and a half. In the time that I was working I also got my first apartment and a boyfriend (not a first but anyways…).

Well, right before Thanksgiving 2009, I lost my job due to stupid shit that was totally my fault. That lead to me having to break my lease and I moved out of my apartment back in with my parents on February 27th, 2010. Which also happened to be the day before my birthday. Needless to say that sucked big time. I don’t like having to move back in with my parents, but I am extremely grateful that they let me come back and have my old room.

I am working a bit. I babysit for my friend B’s boyfriends two kids. A boy and a girl ages 4 and almost 5. It’s fun, and they’re good kids, so I’m not complaining.

Well, I’m going to go for now, but I’m going to try to blog more regularly. Or as regular as I can. Maybe next post I’ll post about my boyfriend (or pretty much ex-boyfriend) once I can get everything formed.

Cya!! 🙂

One comment on “Wow, I’m back?

  • Welcome back to blogging! Thanks for the comment at my site. I am sorry to hear that things got a bit rough for you there for a while but I’m happy to hear that things are getting back on track for you now!

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